Monday, May 21, 2012

I feel like my whole world has just cracked in half...

This morning was one of the most difficult times in my life.

I lost...

My Sweet Bageira.

Sadly, this comes one month after my other baby, Petey, disappeared. 

No more greeting me at the door, no more sleeping by my side, no more making me smile just by existing. 

This is excruciating.

 I know that I will get through this and things will eventually become routine again, it will just take time to adjust to them not being around.

It seems silly to most people that I could feel this heartbroken over a couple of cats.  But most people have someone who means something to them, whether that be a spouse or a child.  I do not have these.  My pets are my only companions.  For me, losing one of them is like losing a child.

I'm writing this blog post because I want people to understand that love is love and pain is pain.  Whether it be for another person or for a cat.  NEVER diminish someone Else's pain and NEVER underestimate their love for something.  Be kind to people when they are in need, even if you don't understand their sadness.  Be kind to people in general because you never know what that person is going through.

 Be kind to people simply because its the right thing to do.